Gifts/ Offerings

Contribute to the needs of the saints; extend hospitality to strangers. Romans 12:12

Streams of Giving

We encourage you to explore the many ways to share your blessings with the world through Immanuel Lutheran.  We thank you for your generosity and support for our ministries.

Annual Ministry

The Heart of Immanuel

Each day we experience God and change lives through our connections with each other, worshipping and learning together, and serving neighbors in need through Missoula and the World. 

People give checks, cash, or set up re-occurring or one time gifts electronically.

Mail your donations to Immanuel Lutheran Church, 830 South Ave, Missoula, MT 59801 or click the button below to give online or to set up re-occuring donations. 



Planned Giving Opportunities

Learn more about Planned Giving opportunities at Immanuel 

Capital Appeal

Welcoming All Through Accessible Space

Through the Elevate, Anticipate, Resonate (EAR) campaign  we have invested in our facilities in order to remove physical barriers to participating at Immanuel.  

The funds raised through this campaign will go toward the following priorities:

• Retire the debt on renovations and upgrades 

• Complete a separate dishwashing room 

• Add solar panels to our facility 

 • Complete some needed maintenance to our church exterior

• Update some seating in the worship area to provide flexible space for worshiping families and for other gatherings. 


Learn more about the EAR Capital Campaign

If you'd like to make a pledge, Download the RESPONSE CARD,  fill it out and  email it to or mail it to Immanuel, 830 S Ave West, Missoula MT 59801 


Creating Opportunities for Today & Tomorrow

We are responsible for the stewardship of our treasures even after we die.  Endowment gifts enable Immanuel to start new ministries and reach out beyond our congregation in new and creative ways. 

Usually, people plan to give gifts to Immanuel’s Endowment from their estate after they die. This could be a percentage of the total estate after bills are paid, or making Immanuel the beneficiary of stocks, insurance policies, or other assets. People over 70 ½ may consider gifting a Required Minimum Distribution from their retirement fund.  Gifts can be made to Endowment at any time.  Please contact the Pastor to plan a gift.

Learn more about Endowment

Download Endowment Request form 


