Worship with us


"Be filled with the Holy Spirit, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, and making music to the Lord in your hearts."  Ephesians 5:19

Worship with us

Welcome to Immanuel.  

Worship with us in person or online every Sunday at 10 am.  The church is more than a building! Our life as a community continues in new and creative ways. Welcome to worship this day, and may this time of worship strengthen and encourage you in the week ahead.

Immanuel host a livestream service on Sundays at 10 am.   The service is recorded and can be viewed at anytime.

The service can also be viewed on MCAT, Channel 189 on Monday’s at 5 pm

Assist with Worship

There are many ways to assist with worship: usher, communion, or reader. We can pair you up with an "experienced" member to help learn the ropes!  

Music Ministry

Participate in music at Immanuel-  sing, play an instrument, join the choir.  

Contact Allen Sasser-Goehner, Worship & Music Director

Celebration of Life

 View funerals or memorial services on our livestream Celebration of Life channel
