Mission and Vision

Strategic Plan 2022-2025

God’s power at work within us is able to accomplish abundantly far more than all we can ask or imagine. Ephesians 3:20

   Who is Immanuel?

We trust in One God who created us and all that exists, the Gospel of Jesus Christ for salvation, and the gift of the Holy Spirit to lead us into abundant and eternal life. Together we love God and serve others. We are part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and the Montana Synod. 

                              Our Mission 

To share the Love of Christ with all!

                                  Our Vision

Immanuel is called to be a caring, compassionate and diverse congregation that is spiritually nourished through Jesus Christ and reaches out to the community at large. 



Our four branches of ministry


How did the 2022-2025 plan develop? 

In the fall of 2021, the church council met with 50 members to share our fears and dreams for our church.  A clergy coach met with the council to focus our most common dreams into a Strategic Plan. 

Why a Strategic Plan? 

We plan because God plans. Through Jesus Christ, God has a plan to love, bless and reconcile all creation and all people. Scripture tells us that “without vison, the people perish.” (Proverbs 29:18 KJV) 

 Immanuel develops a strategic plan every few years to help us focus on aligning the unique gifts and resources that God has given our church with opportunities for sharing the love of Christ with all

 Churches who invest time and resources into developing a specific strategy and plan achieve growth in their mission and vision more quickly. 

 Today, we have many opportunities to do good for our neighbors and community. As a church, we have the call and the joy of working together in a focused way with fellow Christians to positively impact each other, our community and the world in the name of Jesus Christ

Abundantly Far More than We Can Ask or Imagine...

Immanuel’s Strategic Plan 2022-2025

Reaching Diverse People & Families

Jesus said, "I must proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God to the other cities also; for I was sent for this purpose." (Luke 4:43)

Over the past several decades, changes in  the culture, society, family, technology and communication have impacted faith formation, worship attendance and church involvement. Models that worked in the past no longer do. In this new context, how do we teach our Christian faith as a way of life?  How do we reach new people, what are their faith questions and needs, and how do we work together to love and bless the world God made?  How does our outreach and service address this new context?

 Implementation: 1.) Develop a youth and family IMLU cohort to join MIC churches to evaluate youth, family, younger generations, and church dynamics today. 2.) Support St. Paul Lutheran Youth and Family Coordinator to work with IMLU High school youth and events. 3.) Continue to expand and develop relationships with youth through Washington Middle School Flagship. 4.) Work with MIC/Family Promise to identify needs and service opportunities. 5.) Continue to explore congregation’s interest in a full welcome for LGBTQIA+ family and friends through Reconciling in Christ (RIC). 

Embracing A Place for All People

"For my house shall be called a house of 
prayer for all peoples." (Isaiah 56:7) 


God is calling Immanuel to be the church for coming generations. We renovated our facilities to be accessible to people of all ages and abilities and to serve the community. We want to be financially strong to quickly respond to ever changing mission and ministries opportunities. 

 Implementation In 2022, we will form a capital appeal team, hire Capital Campaign Services Net to facilitate an appeal, and begin a capital appeal to pay off the mortgage debt. 


Creating Care and Connection

They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.  (Acts 2:42)


 Christians are called to be connected to one another as a family of faith.  Many opportunities already exist within the Immanuel community to create and nurture these connections. We want to evaluate what already exists and think creatively about new ways of building community and creating closer relationships.   

 Implementation: Form a Community Connection Team to meet quarterly to guide and evaluate our current ministries and make recommendations. 


Leading the Future Church

Surely I know the plans I have for you...to give you a future with hope. (Jeremiah 29:11)

1.) As the culture around church and volunteering changes, growing congregations often are ones who have reformed their structures for governance and ministry.  2.) The pandemic has increased the need for “hybrid” church, ways to reach out and connect both in person and on-line. To meet the future, our technology needs updating, our leaders need skills and training, and our resources of time need evaluating.

Implementation: 1.) In 2022-2023 review earlier work, select team, read “Governance and Ministry” by Hotchkiss. Council and congregation to act on recommendations in 2024.  2.) Research and implement best practices for on-line resources and social media.  Review staff roles. 
