Our Story

Immanuel began as a small Swedish congregation in Missoula in October 1898. For over a century, God has blessed us with growth in both numbers and facilities and mission.  We have moved from a small church on Alder Street to our present facility on South Avenue.   We have grown from a Swedish congregation to congregation who celebrates our diversity! 

The Holy Spirit has led us to strive to reach our vision:

Immanuel is called to be a caring, compassionate and diverse congregation, that is spiritually nourished through Jesus Christ, and reaches out the community at large.

…. and to live our mission:

Share the love of Christ with All!

Our History

On 2023 Immanuel will be celebrating 125 years of ministry.   

Learn more about Immanuel’s History from 1898-2013 compiled in 2013 as a part of our 115th birthday celebration.  

Immanuel Lutheran Church 

1898- 1914 Early Beginnings 

On October 20, 1898, the first organizational meeting took place in the home of Mr. And Mrs. John Berglin, with thirteen persons present. Learn about the early years

1900- 1954 The Church on Alder

Immanuel changed from services in Swedish to English.  A church was built and  we became a congregation with growing families and active Lutheran Ladies Aid group. 

1951- 1969 A New Church

By 1953, Immanuel had a membership of about 260 and church school membership was 160, the highest in years.  A decision was made to build a new church. 

More coming soon! 

